How your audience perceives your brand perhaps isn’t how you think.

March 1, 2022
2 min read
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Are you aware of how people think of you? The impression you make on them? How you make them feel?

Sometimes we THINK we know how people perceive us but until we hear what people actually say, how we believe we're perceived vs how we're actually perceived can be two different things.

I started taking notes on the vocabulary people used when describing my work or my personality. Sometimes in communities, we'd do exercises to communicate the impact we had on others and that was really helpful for me in understanding how I was actually coming across, versus the idea I had of myself.

It's important to know the reality of it, versus your own belief of perception of how you actually make an impression in others. Putting words to feelings or emotions can help you embody your brand in a more genuine way and bring who you truly are—unapologetically, to every piece of your brand and business.

How can you use this information? 😎
Once you have a good understanding on how you're perceived, though of, etc, then we can start to use this information and embed it into our messaging, content, website copy, and even start shaping our visual identity—our external branding.

This is powerful data that we should always be paying attention to and keep molding and tweaking our brand message and copy, so we can connect more with our ideal customers.

The more they feel connected to us, the more trust is built.

• What words would your clients would use to describe you?
• How would your clients describe their experience of working with you?
• How do you sound to others?

Asking your clients and customers WHY they choose you is golden! You learn to hear it directly from them. What impression do you make on them, what stands out to them, which words connected with them, and more.

This is something I constantly do with anyone I have a call with. It's so interesting knowing what is landing and what isn't. Then you can use to connect with more of the same people. Just make sure you're always asking the right person: your ideal client, not those that aren't a good fit!

If you found this helpful, I'd love to hear from you! Let me know below or send me a DM on Instagram!


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Branding for established women of color entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations wanting to unapologetically stand out and clearly amplify their message.

Branding for established women of color entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations wanting to unapologetically stand out and clearly amplify their message.

Branding for established women of color entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations wanting to unapologetically stand out and clearly amplify their message.

Branding for established women of color entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations wanting to unapologetically stand out and clearly amplify their message.

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